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Madison Metropolitan School District

Student Council

What is Student Council?

Student Council is a service organization. Its purpose is to improve O’Keeffe school and the surrounding community by promoting communication, school spirit, and cooperation. Student Council provides leadership and a unified voice for the student body. It advises the principal on matters of interest to students. It organizes and runs activities that benefit students, teachers and community members. In the past, Student Council has helped organize and carry out social events, service projects, spirit days, special recognitions, contests, and athletic events. Student Council teaches leadership, teamwork, and group cooperation. It is fun, but to be successful it requires students to work together and spend time planning and carrying out projects. It is not a popularity contest; it is not for people who are already busy every day after school.

How is Student Council Organized?

Grades 6, 7 and 8 at O’Keeffe will each have its own Grade Level Council, made up of homeroom representatives, a class chairperson, and an adult advisor. The group meets at lunch time, after school, or at other times during the school day. The 6th, 7th and 8th grade class chairpersons also meet to discuss projects and proposals which concern the entire school or require funds from the Student Council treasury. The class chairpersons and the principal must approve any requests for spending Student Council funds.

What is a Homeroom Representative?

Each homeroom in the school selects representatives. These people work together to voice the opinions of their homeroom. If a vote takes place in the Student Council meeting, each homeroom gets only one vote.

What is the Class Chairperson?

At each grade level, the Homeroom Representatives will select a chairperson from the Homeroom representatives. Once selected, the Class Chairperson is the leader of the Grade Level Council. She or he works closely with the grade level teacher advisor and the Principal to plan and carry out meetings and projects. The Class Chairperson also meets with the chairpersons from the other grade levels as needed.

How often does Student Council meet?

Grade Level Councils usually meet at lunch time, during homeroom period, or after school. They can meet as often as once a week (or less frequently, if they desire). When working on a project, Student Council members often plan extra meetings after school. Work sessions will always be finished by 3:30 pm.

Who should join Student Council?

Student Council participants should be good listeners and communicators. They represent the students in their homerooms by getting to know students’ thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. Homeroom Representatives must be assertive and articulate. They speak to the class council on behalf of the students from their homerooms. They also need to report information from the Council meetings back to the homerooms. In addition to being good listeners and communicators, Student Council Representatives need to be responsible and committed to improving the school. To participate in Student Council, students must maintain good academic standing, attend school regularly, and stay “above the line.” All qualified students are encouraged to consider joining Student Council. To be effective, class councils need to reflect our school’s greatest asset, the diversity of its student body.