Traffic Safety at Marquette and O'Keeffe
The following Traffic Safety Guidelines are provided by Marquette and O’Keeffe Schools to keep our community safe. This initiative also supports healthy choices by encouraging families to actively participate in walking, biking & scootering to school.
Four easy ways to decrease traffic at our neighborhood schools:
1. Walk, bike, or ride your scooter to school.
2. Park the car several blocks away and walk, scoot or ride the remaining distance.
3. Drop your child off a few blocks from school and have them walk.
4. Carpool with people in your neighborhood when possible.
We encourage students to walk, scoot or bike to school!
The best way to decrease traffic congestion and improve student safety around our schools is to decrease the number of cars in the area.
If you walk to school. . .
Always use the crosswalks and crossing guards to cross streets – don’t cross mid-block. An adult crossing guard is located at the footbridge at Jennifer and Thornton. Student safety patrols are located at Rodgers St. to help students cross safely.
If you Bike, Unicycle, or Scoot to School . . .
Wear a helmet! MMSD requires bikers to have a helmet on school grounds. Your school can get you one, just ask!
Board of Education Policy states that a student age 10 or older may ride a bicycle to school. (The principal may make an exception to this age limit upon written request by a parent.) The school guidelines ask that an adult accompany younger bikers (under age 10) to school.
It is important that you walk your bike or scooter when you arrive at the school crosswalks and on sidewalks in front of the school. Don’t forget to lock your bike or unicycle in the bike rack during the school day.
If you are crossing Williamson Street
. . . Please do so with great caution and cross at a traffic light or the crossing guard! Let your child know that the traffic light or crossing guard will provide a safer crossing.
If you are Driven to School . . .
We recommend that you park and/or drop off your children in these areas:
Jenifer Street: Drop your child off between the “Student Drop-off and Pick-up Area” sign and Dickenson St. Do not stop your vehicle in the bus loading/unloading curb area in front of Marquette.
Spaight Street: You may drop off your child in No Parking areas, but you cannot leave your vehicle. Parking is allowed across the street from O’Keeffe. Do not stop your vehicle in the bus loading/ unloading curb area.
Thornton Ave: Drop off only in No Parking area. Parking is allowed across the street from O’Keeffe. Do not stop vehicle in bus loading/ unloading curb area (AM-Spaight, PM- Thornton).
Please Remember . . .
Parking is NEVER allowed in the bus lane during school hours.
Children MUST use the crosswalks when crossing the street.
The parking lot is for STAFF ONLY during school hours. Special permission needed.
U-turns are NOT permitted on any through street in a residential area.
Observe all street signs, no parking areas and pedestrian laws:
Marquette and O’Keeffe Schools have been working closely with the Madison Police Department along with members from the Madison Traffic Safety Commission and Public Health Department to improve our traffic flow before and after school. Police vehicles will be present to support our traffic safety initiative.
Here are things you can do to keep our students safe:
- Observe the speed limit. Slow down to 20 mph when children are present.
- Motorists must yield the right of way to pedestrians crossing a street.
- Pedestrians do not have the right of way when crossing mid-block. Please use designated crosswalks.
- Follow the directions of the Adult Crossing Guard.
- "No Parking” areas do allow for drop off or pick up, but you cannot leave your car unattended!
- “No Stopping, Standing or Parking” means that student drop off/pick up is NOT allowed.
- It is illegal to leave your car unattended in a fire lane. It is also illegal to park within 10 ft. of a fire hydrant.
- It is illegal to park within 4 feet of a driveway; 20 feet of a crosswalk; and 30 feet of a stop sign.